Last updated on September 19, 2023

Suresh was in his early twenties when he was looking for a job. Most of the time he was at home playing computer games and usually in the evening he played cricket in the backyard with his friends.

At times Suresh felt a bit bored since there was nothing to do at home. Suresh thought of ways to get rid of this boredom. He had seen some of his friends chatting with girls day and night and Suresh was also excited to do this but he was scared to try this with his original Facebook account. Therefore, Suresh set up a fake Facebook account under a different name adding photos of a nice actor. Then he sent a number of requests to girls and to his surprise by that evening a couple of girls had accepted his friend request.

After some days Suresh started to chat with these girls. He even stopped playing cricket with his friends because he found this more interesting. He was chatting with numerous girls day and night.

Gradually Suresh started to share his real pictures with these girls and he requested pictures from them too. These girls shared their pictures with Suresh as well. Some girls even sent him seminude pictures. Suresh got so addicted to this and his whole lifestyle changed.

One morning Suresh woke up to send the usual morning message to his girls but he could not log into his account. Suresh tried several times but it didn’t work. Suresh was so confused. That evening one of Suresh’s friends who knew about the fake account sent him a message.

            Suresh’s friend: Hey bro, what are you doing, what did you publish just now?

            Suresh: What?? I didn’t do anything..

Suresh’s friend sent him a screenshot and seeing this Suresh was shocked. It didn’t take long for Suresh to realize that his account had been hacked. He didn’t know what to do.

            Suresh: Bro, my account is hacked, what should I do now? I’m so scared. There are a lot of pictures in the chats

            Suresh’s friend: Bro, wait I’ll send you a link, I saw this on Facebook. They might help you.

            Suresh: Thank You! I’ll message them and see.

Suresh messaged Hithawathi via WhatsApp explaining what exactly happened. Suresh accepted his mistake of making a fake account and said that he was very scared as lots of girls sent him pictures trusting him and that the hacker was misusing them. Hithawathi asked Suresh to report the fake account initially through the app using self-serve tools provided by Facebook and to contact Hithawathi for advanced reporting if the account was not removed even after a week. Suresh thanked Hithawathi and promised to follow the steps suggested.

Suresh also asked one of the girls whose pictures were misused to contact Hithawathi. The girl called Hithawathi and the pictures misused were also removed from Facebook as per the reporting guidance provided by Hithawathi. She appreciated Hithawathi service a lot as she was very scared that her parents and relations might see the posted pictures.

Precaution tips:

  • Do not create fake accounts even for fun.
  • Always set up two factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra security layer to your Facebook account.
  • Do not share pictures with unknown people you meet online.
  • Do not accept random friend requests as fake accounts are very common on social media platforms.
  • Contact Hithawathi for support in reporting and removing fake accounts, pictures / videos or any other content published without your consent on the internet.