Last updated on March 20, 2024

You may not be able to reverse but there is a hope to move forward.


Source of the image: is run by the Revenge Porn Helpline, which is a part of SWGfL, a charity that aims to make sure everyone can use technology safely, without any harm.

Since 2000, SWGfL has been teaming up with partners worldwide to keep everyone safe on the internet.

The Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) started in 2015 to stop people from being affected by sharing intimate images without permission. Since then, they’ve helped thousands of victims. They’ve removed over 300,000 of these images from the internet, with more than 90% success.

The way operates

• Anyone in the world who is over 18 years old can access
• generates a digital code of your intimate image or video called a ‘hash’ or ‘digital fingerprint’. This means your content stays on your device and doesn’t have to be shared.
• Once the hash is made, it goes to’s hash bank.
• From there, the hash value is sent to many unencrypted social media platforms that is in collaboration with. (The hash, which stands for your content, will be sent to social media platforms unless you withdraw your case).
• If anyone tries to share your private photo or video on any of these social media platforms, the hash will be matched to stop it.

Source of the image:


Industry Partners who receive cases and hashes from


Hithawathi joined hands with becoming a Global Network Partner of them in March 2024 as a crucial step towards ensuring women’s safety in Sri Lanka.
