Last updated on October 12, 2022

Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.

Mallika is a 40yrs old mother with two daughters. Her husband works aboard. . She is a house wife and she loves gardening very much. Her daughters are 16 yrs old and 10 years old. Their life was calm and joyful. Mallika’s Elder daughter (Niluka) is sitting for O/L examination this year and she is very curious on new technologies and likes to try out new things. Even though girls didn’t have a computer at home, they used internet for various activities. Niluka uses her mother’s smart phone to search things on the internet. Most of the time they use to talk with their father via skype and Whatsapp. Elder daughter was curious on what social media was and tried to use social media. Niluka created a Facebook account on behalf of her mother using Mallika’s name and her picture. This caused exposing Mallika’s personal details on Facebook to public, because of their lack of knowledge in privacy settings in Facebook app.

One day Mallika was getting several unknown calls requesting bad things. She was surprised. Niluka called back one of the numbers and asked about the caller’s name and reason to call. Further she also asked about how they got Mallika’s number. Then she got a reply “I got this number on a Facebook post. Anybody can see it. You are the one who gave” Then Niluka was frightened and she knew now something has gone wrong. Then she told this to their father. He told them that one of his friends in Sri Lanka has mentioned that there is a service called “Hithawathi” to help such incidents. So she was instructed to contact Hithawathi and ask what to do.

Then Niluka called us and got sorted the issue. Further she learnt how to set Facebook privacy settings and a lot of tips to be safe on internet from Hithawathi website.

Precaution tips:

  • Properly do the privacy settings of your Facebook account – and this is a MUST!
  • You must be more cautious when uploading your personal information in to internet/web
  • Contact 1938 (Women Helpline – Ministry of Women & Child Affairs) for legal support if you are a helpless woman in a situation like this.
  • Contact 1926 (Special Mental Health Hotline) or Sumithrayo when you feel down due to these types of incidents.
  • Report if the content (images, videos, etc…) you appear is published without your consent; Contact Hithawathi for support, if necessary.