Last updated on January 30, 2023

Names and places mentioned herein are hypothetical.

Charuki just sat for her A/L examination and was awaiting results. She was a very active girl in school and a member in many clubs of her school. Therefore she spent most of the time at school even after finishing her A/L exam. She often came to school to help in the functions organized by different clubs of her school.
Charuki had a boyfriend too, her parents knew about him and his parents knew about Charuki as well. They were blessed by both families.
Charuki and her boyfriend had a serious affair and trusted each other very much. They shared pictures as a normal couple would do. They didn’t think twice sharing private photos from time to time.
One fine morning, Charuki rushed to school as it was English day of school and she had a good place in school as an event organizer. Hence even after school, she always helped in school events.
While she was running here and there, busy helping her brothers and sisters at the event some small boys of her school came to her and asked for her phone.

Set of small Boys:   Akki, Can we have your phone to capture some photos of the event

Charuki didn’t think twice

Charuki:  Of course!!! You can… Here you go and the pattern is ******
Set of small Boys: Thank You.. akki we will give it to you soon

Charuki was very busy and so engaged in the activities of the event.She almost forgot her phone. After a couple of hours the boys gave her the phone and thanked her.

Set of small Boys: Akki, Don’t forget to send the pictures to Senul. We have saved his number in your phone. We can get the pictures from his phone
Charuki:  Sure, I will Send

Charuki didn’t have time to send the pictures at that time. After the event was over she went home, had a shower and was having a chat with her mother. Then she realized that she forgot to send the pictures to those boys.
She took her phone and searched Senuls’ number. What she could notice was quite unusual.
Her private pictures have been shared to almost all her WhatsApp contacts and even contact numbers she never knew along with some bad messages.
She was in deep trouble. Charuki cried with fear. She immediately called her boyfriend who was very understanding. He soothed her and promised to help her finding a solution soon.

Charuki’s Boyfriend:  Charu, let’s not think about what happened… and let’s see what we can do.. Please don’t worry, I’m there for you no matter what? Give me some time to see how we can sort this mess out.

Charuki felt a bit relieved as she had faith on her boyfriend.
Charuki’s boyfriend searched everywhere on the internet for a solution. He came across Hithawathi and told Charuki about Hithawathi. He asked Charuki to call and check with them. Charuki called Hithawathi with full of disappointment and explained what happened to her. First and foremost Hithawathi asked her to be calm. Then Hithawathi directed her to Women In Need (WIN) for free legal advice. Charuki was asked to be confident and speak to WIN as there are lawyers who are ready to provide legal support. Furthermore Hithawathi informed her that she could obtain free counselling service from WIN or Sumithrayo to make her stronger.

Precaution tips:

  • Never share your device (e.g., mobile, laptop, etc.) or login credentials of your online accounts with anyone.
  • Reach out to Women in Need (WIN), an organization dedicated to help women with free legal and counselling support.
  • Report issues to WhatsApp by contacting them through the app.
  • Contact Sumithrayo when you feel down due to these types of incidents